Diagnosis is the first and most crucial step in any medical treatment. Nelson Hospital is one of the Best Super speciality hospital in Nagpur . where we provide comprehensive in-house advanced diagnostics facilities. Nelson Hospital is fully equipped with the advanced analytical apparatus, state of art infrastructure and experts from medical field. Nelson takes extra care for infants, young children and women who need diagnostic services.
- Neurology (EEG, EMG, BERA, Audiometry)
- Cardiology (ECG, Stress test, 2D Echo)
- Spirometry, PFT
- Genetic and metabolic disorders screening
- Complete body health check-up packages
- Comprehensive level III ultra-sound scans
- Foetal biophysical profile
- Foetal Colour Doppler & ECHO
- Pre-natal genetic screening for Down’s syndrome.
- Pathology, Biochemistry, Microbiology and Histopathology.